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DAP Webinar: The New NAEYC Position Statement

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Join Nicol Russell, an at-large member of the NAEYC Governing Board, for a DAP webinar.

“From DAP to DEEP”: Exploring NAEYC’s new Position Statement on Developmentally Appropriate Practice is an online discussion that will reflect the intimate connection between the revised NAEYC position statements on DAP and Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education.

Participants will learn about the three considerations of DAP – context, individuality, and commonality – and how it can help early educators to take action to advance equity, racial justice, and social justice.

This event is a collaboration between AzAEYC and SAZAEYC.

Watch the webinar

About Nicol Russell

Nicol Russell currently serves as Director of Head Start Research & Support for Teaching Strategies, LLC. Within her role on the NAEYC Governing Board, she participated in the recent revision of the NAEYC Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP) Position Statement.

Nicol began her career in education as a librarian’s assistant at her local Boys & Girls Club in Wai’anae, Hawai’i. Since then, she has worked as a classroom assistant, general and special education teacher, center director, program specialist, the state’s 619 coordinator, and early childhood director and Head Start State Collaboration Office director at Arizona Department of Education.

Resources and Handouts

+ NEW NAEYC Position Statement: Developmentally Appropriate Practice

Download the statement (PDF) | Descargue la Declaración en Español​  (PDF)

+ NAEYC Position Statement: Advancing Equity in ECE

Download the statement (PDF) | Descargue la Declaración en Español​  (PDF) | 下载中文立场声明 (PDF)

+ NAEYC DAP Resources:

+ Which DAP resource is for me? 

+ Never Too Young To Support A Cause: Supporting Positive Identity Development Through Social Justice Curriculum in Preschool: 

+ Recommendations for Implementing DAP: