Become a member of YOUR professional organization in Arizona!
When you join the Arizona Association for the Education of Young Children (AzAEYC), you’ll belong to an association that advocates for Arizona’s early childhood educators and the young children we serve across the state. When you join AzAEYC/NAEYC, your membership will be processed through the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
As the foremost professional association for early learning professionals, NAEYC proudly serves tens of thousands of early educators who work on behalf of young children from birth to age 8. Your membership provides immediate access to an unparalleled suite of member benefits, including exclusive member-only discounts and information from top experts in the field.
Membership in NAEYC means reduced subscription rates for AZToolkit, AzAEYC’s comprehensive online platform for early learning providers in Maricopa County and Arizona designed to help save time, increase quality, reduce costs and share knowledge.
How to join
The first step is to become a member of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).
Join or renew online with NAEYC using a credit card.
Or, download and mail your membership application directly to NAEYC.
Need to access a printable application in Spanish? Haga clic aquí para obtener la versión española de la Solicitud de Afiliación.
Choose a membership level
FOUR levels of membership support the important work of early childhood professionals including the new Family Membership. Choose an option tailored to your specific needs. Membership is valid for one year from the date that you join. Members can now set memberships to renew automatically each year.
NAEYC Membership Categories
Maximize your access to NAEYC with a Premium membership. NAEYC Premium members receive all of the benefits that Regular and Student members receive an additional four additional print publications and a $20 coupon to purchase a book of your choice in our online store. This membership category provides unparalleled access for professionals who are committed to staying up-to-date with professional resources and best practices in early childhood education.
As NAEYC’s most popular membership option, Standard Membership is your ticket to our wide variety of member benefits, including: discounted registration fees for NAEYC conferences, a 20 percent discount on items in the NAEYC online store, the NAEYC periodical of your choice, discounted professional liability insurance and more. Standard membership ensures that you’re fully equipped for success as a professional.
Are you a student or young professional joining NAEYC for the first time? This membership option is designed specifically for you! This digitally-based introduction gives you access to the latest content, resources, peer networking, and more at an unbeatable price.
NAEYC’s brand NEW membership level is designed for members outside of the early learning profession, such as parents, other family members, and early childhood advocates. Is your child ready for kindergarten? What IS DAP? Is play really that important? With access to NAEYC’s extensive suite of resources for families, you’ll learn about the cutting-edge research, best practices, and policies impacting your child’s earliest learning experiences.
Choose AzAEYC
Within the application for membership to NAEYC, you’ll see options to join state affiliates and chapters.
Select AzAEYC to join us!
When will I receive my Membership Welcome Package? How do I change my address? Where do I locate my membership ID number?
Find answers to these questions and more.
Thank you for your membership!