September 16, 2020
Do you have a voting plan?
As early childhood professionals, we know how our families and communities benefit when young children access quality early learning experiences with supported, skilled, and well-compensated caregivers. A significant body of research and science supports what we do every single day.
Election Day is Tuesday, November 3.
It’s not too early to make your voting plan and to make your voice heard for our profession! That’s why we’re joining with SAZAEYC, Child & Family Resources, and the Arizona Early Childhood Education Association (AECEA) to offer important dates and information, all in one place — to make the process easy and more convenient.
The deadline to register to vote in Arizona is now Friday, October 23.
New date! The voter registration deadline for the General Election has been extended to 5 p.m. on October 23, 2020 by a court order. This decision is subject to additional legal action, so Arizonans should update or complete their registration as soon as possible.
For more information:
Any Arizona voter can request a ballot by mail or vote in person. The deadline to request a ballot by mail or to sign up for the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL) is October 23 at 5 p.m.
Get to Know Your Candidates
Strong relationships are at the heart of early childhood. Cultivating relationships is also important with candidates who are running for elected office – as well as with policymakers who currently hold office. Talk with your candidates about why early childhood is important. Share your story. Ask what they will do to advance equitable early childhood policies and initiatives.
When we take the time to cultivate these relationships, our efforts pay off for children, families, and early childhood providers.
How to Vote by Mail
Voting by mail is safe, secure, and easy! Request your ballot as early as possible. Ballots are mailed to registered voters who are on the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL) or who have requested a one-time early ballot beginning on Wednesday, October 7.
How to Request your Ballot
In cases where voters will both receive and send a ballot by mail, USPS advises voters to submit their ballot request early so they are received by their election officials at least 15 days before Election Day and preferably before that.
How to Vote in Person
Every voter is unique and has different circumstances that can impact their voting experience. Find your polling place, learn about I.D. requirements, election security and more.
Follow Up to Make Sure Your Vote was Counted
You may look up the status of your ballot online to confirm if it was received and counted.
Know YOUR Voting Rights
Learn more about how to exercise your right to vote, resist voter intimidation efforts, and access disability-related accommodations and language assistance at the polls.
Your voice – and your vote – matters! We invite you to join us to champion equitable policies that support our profession and Arizona’s youngest learners. Thank you for taking the time to make YOUR voting plan – and for reminding your candidates that early care and education is an important public good.