November 14, 2019
On December 3, 2019, non-profits, families, businesses, community centers and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate and encourage giving.
Save the date for AzAEYC Giving Tuesday!
AzAEYC has joined the #GivingTuesday community for a campaign this year to support our efforts as advocates for the early childhood profession and high quality early education for all young children.
Giving Tuesday History
Since 1912, Giving Tuesday has been a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Created by the team at the Belfer Center for Innovation & Social Impact at the 92nd Street Y—a cultural center in New York City that, since 1874, has been bringing people together around the values of service and giving back—#GivingTuesday connects diverse groups of individuals, communities and organizations around the world for one common purpose: to celebrate and encourage giving.
Why support AzAEYC on Giving Tuesday?
Providing a quality learning environment for young children is every bit as complex, and important, as teaching any of the upper level grades. But many still treat early educators as babysitters.
We are working to change that!
Assuring that those who work in the field of early childhood education are well-prepared to meet the needs of our young learners with a curriculum that will match new brain research is critical not only for children and their families, but for our future.
There’s simply no doubt about it. Early Educators are #BrainBuilders!

What is the AzAEYC Giving Tuesday message?
AzAEYC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit membership organization that works to advance the professional development of early childhood teachers so they have the resources they need to build the brains of Arizona’s youngest learners.
We support teachers through NAEYC professional memberships, access to quality professional learning, and through AZToolkit – an online tool to help early childhood business save time and money and improve the quality of services for children and families.
Every $25 helps us provide 1 hour of training to improve quality teaching
Every $50 provides a set of current, research-based teaching books into a preschool classroom
Every $100 gives 2 teachers a professional membership to NAEYC and resources to help ECE professionals be #brainbuilders
Every $250 gives 5 early childhood businesses access to AZToolkit – an online tool to help each build their local business and impact education for children, families, and the community
Every $500 helps fund the AzAEYC Scholarship – helping teachers attend college, participate in statewide training, or purchase much-needed classroom learning supplies
What can I do on and before Giving Tuesday?
Anyone, anywhere can get involved in #GivingTuesday and give back in a way that is meaningful to them.
From fundraising to volunteering to pro bono service, #GivingTuesday is a great way to engage your community and to become part of a larger worldwide movement that promotes generosity.

Share, Share, Share!
The success of Giving Tuesday for all nonprofits, including AzAEYC, is getting the word out about the message, along with the link so that anyone can share a gift. Even if you cannot make a monetary donation (and no gift is too small) you can share the link to our fundraising page along with our message. Not sure what to say? Here, we’ll make it easy!
Sample AzAEYC Giving Tuesday messages to share with friends, family and colleagues:
#GivingTuesday is a global giving movement that has been built by individuals, families, organizations, businesses and communities in all 50 states and in countries around the world. This year, I’m supporting the Arizona Association for the Education of Young Children (AzAEYC)
On #GivingTuesday, millions of people come together to support and champion the causes they believe in and the communities in which they live. This year, I’m delighted to support the Arizona Association for the Education of Young Children (AzAEYC)
We have two days for great shopping deals – Black Friday and Cyber Monday. #GivingTuesday is a day for giving back. Together, people are creating a new ritual for our annual calendar! Pitch in by supporting AzAEYC so we can support the early childhood workforce!
#GivingTuesday is the opening day of the giving season: a reminder of the “reason for the season.” Every act of generosity counts, and each means even more when we give together. Join me by supporting early childhood education professionals- make a gift to the Arizona Association for the Education of Young Children (AzAEYC)
#GivingTuesday includes people of all ethnicities, religions and backgrounds. Together, millions of people demonstrate our common capacity to give. The Arizona Association for the Education of Young Children (AzAEYC) strongly supports Diversity and Equity in the #ECE profession. Join me in supporting AzAEYC!
Please also look for Giving Tuesday posts on AzAEYC’s social channels and consider posting a simple share for us. And don’t forget to tag @AzAEYC!
Thank you for sharing the AzAEYC Giving Tuesday message. And remember – no gift is too small!