Support Us
Your gift to AzAEYC
Make a federal tax-deductible contribution today! Your gift serves as an investment in the quality of children’s early experiences, and the early childhood profession. Help us to further expand the voice of early childhood educators throughout the state.
Corporate Matching Gifts
Contributions made through an organization or company where you work can be doubled through corporate matching gifts. If your employer has a matching gift program, they will provide you with a form to complete and include with your gift. AzAEYC will work with your employer to expedite the process.
AzAEYC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and contributions to AzAEYC are deductible for federal income tax purposes to the maximum extent permitted by the law. We rely on the generous donations of individuals, businesses and foundations to promote the importance of quality early education for all of Arizona’s children.
Have another idea on how to support AzAEYC?
Contact Linda Pauley, AzAEYC Business Manager